Saturday, June 13, 2009

Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not

Ah, the refreshing music from Arctic Monkeys plays in my favorite media player: foobar2000. Their music is somewhat unique and catchy, that I don't know which genre it belongs to. Anyways, I'm not here to talk about the album (which is the title of this post).

Out of boredom, I began to type in the keyword "techrangers" and "techranger" in Google. And so I discovered that we're not the only Techrangers out there. Simply put, here's the result:

1. CDWS: Techrangers
They are a division of Course Development & Web Services at the University of Central Florida. Obviously they have nothing to do with us, since none of us ever stepped foot on that university. Their role, however, is pretty much similar: provide tech support.

2. Flickr: Six Degrees of Techrangers
A collection of party pictures, probably related to the first result. Again, none of these pictures have us inside, so don't waste your time looking for us there.

3. High Tech Rangers FC Information
Some football club I guess. From Cheltenham League? Never heard of it.

Pure rubbish. It's not even a real website.

5. Tech Ranger
On-site PC support & rescue.

6. Techranger's "just for fun" site
A blog about racing horses. Weird.

7. blog
Honestly the blog doesn't make sense to me.

Other than that, it appears that someone is using "techrangers" as his/her username. Oh well...

1 comment:

  1. Hello from the UCF Techrangers. We pretty much just did the same thing you did here...
